HerHerbert Smith born in 1901 was a mega man in the British film industry having started in the then "new fangled" film business at the age of only 13 sweeping the studio floors. He became one of the most powerful men in the British film industry controlling the premier British Studio at Denham from June 1945 until 1950 when it closed. This site is dedicated to the man who gave me my start in life, my Dad. Through these pages you will see some great rare pictures from his archives which are now entrusted to me. I hope you enjoy them together with some of the wit he used to enthrall people both old and young. © Copyrights reserved for the whole site and all the photographs 2006 Barrie Smith. frenchpix.com
Some of the great cars Herbert drove, 1914 Prince Henry Vauxhall, 1950 Daimler by Barker. . Herbert at 30. Below with Pav on the sands with their dog .
Cliftonville sands with me, on the set of the 1947 film The Weaker Sex, . Herbert already showing a passion for golf, he played off 9 handicap at his best. When he left Denham Studios in 1950 he played most days for five years.
Herbert and Pav in Kent circa 1950
A charcoal study of Herber by Duntie Willes in 1936
Abe, Herbert and Mr Lambert of Film Rights on the beach in Margate c1935. Herberts' brother Sam founded British Lion Film Co. left, Herbert & Abe on the town with a couple of Starlettes
Above. These are some pictures I took of Herbert on a visit to Denham studios in 1977. His old office, the big stage, the Grand Hall in ruins and the cutting room, where we found loads of film laying around. Soon after this British Land demolished the studios. A shame as it was a great old Deco building. A rare picture of Bernard Smith who distributed 16mm films from his offices in St.Ann's Court W1. I was always worried about these stuffed cats which were always in Bernard's office when I was a kid.
S.W.Smith, Sam, taken in 1934, Herbert's elder brother who founded British Lion Films, Herbert worked with him at G.B.Samuelson's and British Lion.

who founded

Herbert's Brother Abe here with Me, Pav and Monica at Broadstairs in 1951, this makes the photo collection of the 4 Smith brothers complete, Sam is above right, Bernard who was British Equity Films is in the photo with the big cats.
A family picture from the 1920's with Herberts family, at a wedding and Bernard Smith b.1900, above around the same period. He looks stern here but he was a lovely Uncle to me, I remember him well.
From L-R top:c.1920

Sam Smith, Arnold Essex, (Cissie's husband) Bernard Smith, Abe Smith, Sid Joseph (married to Herbert's sister Gertie)

Bottom row:

Rebecca Smith, {Sam's wife}(nee Koski) Auntie Cissie, Herbert's mother Betsy Smith Auntie Gertie Joseph Cecilia Michaels - Grandpa Smith's Sister (her son's wedding)

Rt, c1935. Herbert's Mum Betsy, Beck, Sam, Thelma, Sam's daughter and Herbert.